Addendum to Privacy Policy

補遺 日本

日本国内の居住者から取得した個人情報 (以下「個人データ」といいます) については、本プライバシー・ポリシーに定めるルールに加え、以下のルールに従って取り扱います。  

1.目的:当社は、個人データを、本プライバシー・ポリシーに定める利用目的 (以下 、「本利用目的」 といいます) に従って取り扱い、本利用目的以外の目的のためには利用しません。当社は、本利用目的があらかじめ公表されていない限り、関連するデータ主体に速やかに本利用目的(及びその事後的な変更)を通知し、公表します。






7.域外移転:当社は、(a)移転先が、日本の個人情報保護委員会(以下「PPC」といいます) により、日本と同等のデータ保護水準を有すると認証された国又は地域に所在する場合、又は (b)移転先が、PPCにより規定された水準と同等のデータ保護水準を有する場合を除き、当該データ主体の事前の同意を得ることなく、日本、欧州連合又は英国以外に所在する個人又は団体に個人データのいかなる部分も移転又は提供しません。そして



Addendum Japan

Personal information obtained from residents in Japan (“Personal Data”) shall be handled in accordance with the following rules in addition to the rules set forth in this Privacy Policy.  

1. Purpose: We will handle the Personal Data in accordance with the Purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy (“Purposes”), and not use Personal Data for any purpose other than such Purposes. We shall promptly notify the relevant data subjects, or disclose to the public of the Purposes (and any subsequent changes thereof), unless the Purposes have already been disclosed to the public;

2. Collection: We will not obtain any Personal Data through any deceptive, fraudulent, or other wrongful means;

3. Accuracy: We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that Personal Data handled by us is accurate and up to date and within the scope necessary to achieve the Purposes;

4. Retention: We will retain Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, and cease retention as soon as it is reasonable to assume that the Purposes are no longer being served by retention of Personal Data;

5. Protection: We will protect Personal Data in its possession or under its control by making reasonable security arrangements to prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal, damage, loss or similar risks. We will adequately supervise processing of Personal Data by our officers, employees, third party vendors and any other parties who process Personal Data on our behalf;

6. Transfer: Without obtaining the prior consent of the relevant data subjects, we will not transfer or provide any part of Personal Data to any individual or entity unless an exception under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (“APPI”) applies.

7. Extraterritorial Transfer: Without obtaining the prior consent of the relevant data subjects, we will not transfer or provide any part of Personal Data to any individual or entity located outside Japan, European Union or the United Kingdom unless (a) a transferee is located in a country or area certified by the Personal Information Protection Commission of Japan (“PPC”) as having data protection standards equivalent to those of Japan or (b) the transferee has data protection standards equivalent to the standards specified by the PPC; and,

8. Data Subject's Right: If a data subject requests pursuant to the APPI disclosure of Purposes, access to, correction, or deletion of any of Personal Data relevant to such data subject, or lodge a complaint, we will respond to such request or complaint promptly and in accordance with the APPI. Any fee charged to data subjects shall be reasonable.